In 2021, the Washington State Legislature passed the Keeping Families Together Act (HB 1227) and gave dependency court systems two years, until July 2023, to prepare for the significant changes to the shelter care process contained within the bill. HB 1227 recognizes that children and families are best served when children are cared for by their loved ones and in their communities. It also represents a landmark shift away from licensed foster care and toward a prevention-oriented, family-centered child welfare system.

Family & Youth Justice Programs has created a robust set of tools for planning and implementing HB 1227 that aligns with HB 1227’s statutory changes. The HB 1227 Court Readiness Toolkit provides a systematic way for local court jurisdictions to assess their current shelter care process, identify changes needed to comply with the new law and implement them. Click on each tool to view and download.
Step 1: Assess Capacity

HB 1227 Court Readiness Assessment: This assessment tool allows local dependency courts to assess their system’s current capacity to implement the major components of HB 1227 and identify areas in need of improvement. This tool is meant to be used collaborative by cross-system teams.
Step 2: Follow Roadmap

HB 1227 Court Readiness Roadmap: This planning tool is designed for use by cross-system teams to map their local shelter care process and provides tools, resources, and suggestions for how courts can capitalize on existing opportunities to improve process in each respective area.

Implementation Retreat Storyboard Template: By providing a framework for how a training event will look and function, storyboards help facilitators organize and present content in a way that engages the audience. This storyboard template was developed to assist court communities in planning and facilitating local cross-system retreats to prepare for the implementation of HB 1227.
Step 3: Analyze & Visualize Data

Dependency Dashboard: Publicly available, interactive dashboard that provides data for the state and by county, including case filing and termination numbers, court timeliness measures and race and ethnicity breakdowns for children in care.
More coming soon!