What is happening?

In October of 2021, new SCOMIS and Odyssey codes were approved for use statewide, to identify Family Treatment Court and Early Childhood Court cases. Since then, the FYJP team has been working with court staff to implement the codes in court reports and to backdate the codes for counties that are able to do so. 

Why does this matter?

This allows us to track data on collaborative dependency court cases without requiring as much leg work from coordinators of those programs. Having an accurate data set will allow us to track outcomes and help stakeholders better understand how our courts work.

What are the new codes?

ECC Codes

ATCECC – Accepted Therapeutic Court Early Childhood Court

  • This code should be used when a parent enters the Early Childhood Court program.

CTCECC – Completed Therapeutic Court Early Childhood Court

  • This code should be used when the parent successfully completes the Early Childhood Court program. The definition of “successful” is if the parent completes the program requirements and graduates.

FTCECC – Failed Therapeutic Court Early Childhood Court

  • This code is if the team decides to discharge a parent from the ECC program pre-graduation.

WTCECC – Withdrew Therapeutic Court From Early Childhood Court

  • This code is if the parent decides to discharge from the program pre-graduation. This includes parents whose dependency dismissed prior to graduation and thus did not complete the full ECC program.

FTC Codes

ATCFTC – Accepted Therapeutic Court Family Treatment Court

  • This code should be used when a parent enters the Family Treatment Court program

CTCFTC – Completed Therapeutic Court Family Treatment Court

  • This code should be used when the parent successfully completes the Family Treatment Court program. The definition of “successful” is if the parent completes the program requirements and graduates.

FTCFTC – Failed Therapeutic Court Family Treatment Court

  • This code is if the team decides to discharge a parent from the program pre-graduation.

WTCFTC- Withdrew Therapeutic Court Family Treatment Court

  • This code is if the parent decides to discharge from the program pre-graduation. This includes parents whose dependency dismissed prior to graduation and thus did not complete the full FTC program.

Do you have any examples?

Yes! You can see an example on this proposed form available for download. Currently there is not a pattern form available for use, though this may change in the future. 


Pattern forms for dependency cases include standardized information, this screen capture shows the standard info, plus the approved ftc and ecc forms.