A Permanency Planning Hearing in child dependency cases is a pivotal step in determining a long-term solution for a child who has been removed from their home due to safety concerns. This hearing assesses the progress of the case and evaluates whether the initial permanency goal, such as reunification with the family, remains viable or if an alternative goal, like adoption, guardianship, or another planned permanent living arrangement, should be pursued. This module provides an overview of the law and process for Permanency Planning Hearings in Washington State.  By the end of this module, participants will have gained a basic understanding of the Permanency Planning process and will be better equipped to conduct effective and legally sound Permanency Planning Hearings.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Learn the purpose and procedures of Permanency Planning Hearings.
  2. Gain insight into the statutory and regulatory foundations governing Permanency Planning Hearings.
  3. Understand the decisions, inquiries, and findings made at Permanency Planning Hearing and the legal standards that apply in decision making.

Approximate Length: 60 minutes

Module 7: Permanency Planning Hearing (Coming Soon)