ECC Community Level Indicators

The ECC Community Level Indicators document summarizes the contextual community characteristics that may facilitate or impede successful implementation of the ECC. This approach lies within Durlak and DuPre’s ecological framework for effective program implementation, which was originally developed to promote implementation success of community-based health prevention programs. According to this approach, understanding the local environment in which the ECC is operating is important to successful implementation and sustainability of the program. If program staff identify the existing challenges that impact

Guardianship Infographic

Guardianship Infographic

The eligibility standards, procedures, and available support for the child and family differ between types of minor guardianship (Title 11 vs. Title 13). Understanding these intricacies helps courts more effectively and efficiently engage families in the guardianship process.  Check out this infographic on the basics of minor guardianship in WA and the importance of kinship connection.