Module 2: Safety Framework

Module 2: Safety Framework

This module provides an overview of the safety framework contained in the American Bar Association’s publication, Child Safety: A Guide for Judges and Attorneys. The safety framework helps courts and dependency systems addresses the fundamentals of assessing safety, safety planning, conditions for return, family time plans and case planning in child welfare cases. Estimated Length: 60 minutes


Lianne Malloy[1] and June Tomioka[2] 2022[i] Overview of the Uniform Parentage Act (UPA) This chapter is intended to assist the reader to understand parentage establishment under the Uniform Parentage Act (UPA), which is codified at RCW 26.26A and RCW 26.26B. The Legislature revised the Act during the 2018 session, and those changes became effective January 1, 2019. RCW 26.26A.903.[3] The 2019 amendments are effective July 28, 2019, except for the section requiring use of the mandatory forms, which was not

Department of Children, Youth, & Families

DCYF Division of Prevention & Client Services 2022[i] Who We Are DCYF is a cabinet-level agency focused on the well-being of children. Our vision is to ensure that “Washington state’s children and youth grow up safe and healthy – thriving physically, emotionally and academically, nurtured by family and community.” Our guiding principles:                                         A relentless focus on outcomes for children; A commitment to collaboration and transparency; A commitment to using data to inform and evaluate reforms, leveraging and aligning existing services

Attorney Academy on Reasonable & Active Efforts

Attorney Academy on Reasonable & Active Efforts

Family & Youth Justice Programs is excited to partner with the Capacity Building Center for Courts (CBCC) to host the WA Attorney Academy on Reasonable & Active Efforts in the spring and summer of 2023. This virtual training is designed to help attorneys practicing in the Washington child welfare system gain the knowledge and skills necessary to engage in substantive reasonable and active efforts arguments and advocacy.

Safety Snapshots

Safety Snapshots

This  mini-learning series centers around the effective application of the Safety Framework in child welfare. Whether you are a first-time learner or a seasoned professional who needs a quick refresher, this learning series is for all professionals who work within the dependency court system. Lessons are just minutes in length and easy to navigate.