Learn about the basics of safety planning and actions to manage identified safety threats.
The Second Family Treatment Court All Sites Meeting
Today, Sept 30th, 2022 from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. Please join us via zoom! All zoom links, the agenda, and others resources are available on our meeting website: 2nd WA FTC All-Sites Meeting
Guardianship Infographic
The eligibility standards, procedures, and available support for the child and family differ between types of minor guardianship (Title 11 vs. Title 13). Understanding these intricacies helps courts more effectively and efficiently engage families in the guardianship process. Check out this infographic on the basics of minor guardianship in WA and the importance of kinship connection.
Early Childhood Court (ECC) Enrollment Monitoring Tool
The Enrollment Monitoring Tool allows tracking site-level enrollment by race/ethnicity relative to court-level regular dependency numbers and county-level infant and toddler population by race/ethnicity.
2nd Annual Family Treatment Court All-Sites Meeting
On September 30th from 8:30am to 12:30pm the FYJP will host the second annual all-sites meeting for Family Treatment Court (FTC) teams across the state of Washington as an opportunity to gather in collaborative learning and advancement of best practices.
The Blue Triangle
Learn more about the three elements of assessing safety (threats, vulnerabilities, and protective capacity) that make up the The Blue Triangle.
Module 2: Safety Framework
This module provides an overview of the safety framework contained in the American Bar Association’s publication, Child Safety: A Guide for Judges and Attorneys. The safety framework helps courts and dependency systems addresses the fundamentals of assessing safety, safety planning, conditions for return, family time plans and case planning in child welfare cases. Estimated Length: 60 minutes
Lianne Malloy[1] and June Tomioka[2] 2022[i] Overview of the Uniform Parentage Act (UPA) This chapter is intended to assist the reader to understand parentage establishment under the Uniform Parentage Act (UPA), which is codified at RCW 26.26A and RCW 26.26B. The Legislature revised the Act during the 2018 session, and those changes became effective January 1, 2019. RCW 26.26A.903.[3] The 2019 amendments are effective July 28, 2019, except for the section requiring use of the mandatory forms, which was not
Department of Children, Youth, & Families
DCYF Division of Prevention & Client Services 2022[i] Who We Are DCYF is a cabinet-level agency focused on the well-being of children. Our vision is to ensure that “Washington state’s children and youth grow up safe and healthy – thriving physically, emotionally and academically, nurtured by family and community.” Our guiding principles: A relentless focus on outcomes for children; A commitment to collaboration and transparency; A commitment to using data to inform and evaluate reforms, leveraging and aligning existing services
Harm of Removal: Spokane County Hope Summit 2022
Presented by Jacob D’Annunzio from the Office of Public Defense and Steven Bryant from the Department of Children, Youth, & Families at the 2022 Spokane County Hope Summit, hosted by Family & Youth Justice Programs as part of the Safety Summit Project.