Being a dependency court judicial officer places you at the heart of some of the most challenging and impactful decisions within the judiciary—those affecting the lives and futures of vulnerable children and families. This infographic provides an overview of what it means to be on a dependency rotation and the tools, trainings, and resources available to support dependency court judicial officers in WA.
High-Potency Synthetic Opioids Practice Tip
High-potency synthetic opioids (HPSO), like fentanyl, pose serious risks in child welfare involved families. In 2024, the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) released Public Health Guidance on High Potency Synthetic Opioids in response to the legislative mandate passed in SB 6109. Check out this Dependency Practice Tip infographic to learn more about HPSOs and the DOH public health guidance.
Fact-Finding Dependency Practice Tip
The purpose of the fact-finding timeline is to help ensure timely resolution of cases. Check out this Dependency Practice Tip infographic to learn about the importance of timely fact-finding hearings and newly created court codes for tracking exceptional circumstance findings.
Supporting Transitions for Infants & Young Children Practice Tip
Infants and young children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of stress instability that accompany forced removal by child welfare. Check out this Dependency Practice Tip infographic to learn how child dependency courts can help ensure smooth transitions and reduce developmental harm.
Protein for ALL Infographic
This infographic contains information about Protein for ALL, which helps alleviate the stress and anxiety that families involved with child welfare often experience by offering high protein snacks. Click to learn more.
SIJS Infographic
This infographic contains general information about Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) in WA and was adapted from content contained within the Washington State Court Special Immigrant Juvenile (SIJ) Classification Bench Book and Resource Guided, created by Kids in Need of Defense (KIND). Click to learn more.
Ten Recommendations for Making Findings of Fact Infographic
This infographic contains ten recommendations that judicial officers can use to help ensure adequate findings of fact in child dependency and termination cases. Full guide created by retired Judge Beth Andrus and retired Judge Helen Halpert.
Engaging with Lived Experience Experts Infographic
This infographic provides information on how dependency courts can better engage with Lived Experience Experts (LEEs) and meaningfully include them in systems change efforts.
Extended Foster Care Program Infographic
This infographic provides information on the Extended Foster Care (EFC) Program which provides an opportunity for young adults who were a dependent of Washington State at age 18, to voluntarily agree to continue receiving foster care services.
Prenatal and Postpartum Substance Use Disorder Infographic
This infographic provides information on the complex needs of women who are pregnant or post-partum and have a Substance Use Disorder (SUD), along with resources that support dependency court systems in improving outcomes for these families.