Data is an essential component of child dependency court systems. This infographic provides a brief overview of the importance of using accurate data in dependency court system improvement, along with the data sources available to courts that allow access to performance metrics and case-level data.
Educational Stability Infographic
Students in foster care face significant educational challenges and have worse outcomes than peers on every academic measure, including achievement, attendance, and graduation. This infographic provides a brief overview of dependency law in WA and the resources available to support dependency court judicial officers.
Recent WA Supreme Court Case Law Decisions Infographic
In recent years, the WA Supreme Court has handed down a number of decisions that have added additional clarification and guidance to the practice of reasonable and active efforts. This infographic focuses on these significant decisions and how they impact practice in dependency court communities.
Domestic Violence in Dependency Cases Infographic
The co-occurrence of domestic violence and family involvement in the child dependency system can take many different forms. This infographic contains information on how dependency courts can effectively address domestic violence within child dependency cases.
Guardianship Infographic
The eligibility standards, procedures, and available support for the child and family differ between types of minor guardianship (Title 11 vs. Title 13). Understanding these intricacies helps courts more effectively and efficiently engage families in the guardianship process. Check out this infographic on the basics of minor guardianship in WA and the importance of kinship connection.
Termination Settlement Conferences Dependency Practice Tip
One of the most underutilized, and undervalued, tools to address these backlogs is the use of settlement conferences to resolve termination cases without the need for trial. Not only does this tactic help decrease case backlogs – it often results in less trauma to the family and decreases time to permanency for children.
ICWA Dependency Practice Tip
ICWA is vitally important to Native
children and families. When ICWA is applied properly it helps lead to better outcomes. ICW Courts are dedicated dockets of child welfare hearings involving Native children.
Docket Management Practice Tip
For many judicial officers, large workloads and complex cases can make giving each family enough time and attention feel impossible. Effective docket management can make a real difference in the ability to engage families and children, make informed decisions, and strengthen dependency systems.
Judicial Leadership Dependency Practice Tip
The role of the dependency court judge involves leadership responsibilities including on-the-bench judicial leadership via strong judicial oversight of cases and off-the-bench leadership which involves working with court, system, and community stakeholders to address the needs of the children and families who appear before the court.
Dependency Practice Tip: Strengthening Parent-Child Visitation During Child Welfare Proceedings – HB 1194 Changes to Law and Practice
HB 1194 makes significant changes to the court’s role in ordering visitation with the goal of providing the maximum parent, child, and sibling contact possible, while keeping the child safe. A statute-by-statute overview of these changes is provided, along with resources and implementation information.