Data is an essential component of child dependency court systems. This infographic provides a brief overview of the importance of using accurate data in dependency court system improvement, along with the data sources available to courts that allow access to performance metrics and case-level data.
Engagement in Hearings Infographic
This infographic provides a brief overview of the challenges and benefits to hearing engagement across different modalities (i.e., in-person; virtual) and some of the resources created to support court systems in continuing virtual/hybrid operations.
2023 Dependency Judicial Training Academy
Family & Youth Justice Programs will host the 2023 Dependency Judicial Academy on May 15th, 16th & 17th. This 3-day virtual academy will focus on preparing for implementation of the Keeping Families Together Act (HB 1227). Click to learn more about the academy!
HB 1227 Cross-System Regional Webinars
FYJP will be partnering with the Department of Children, Youth & Families to host cross-system webinars aimed at supporting local court communities in understanding and preparing for the implementation of the Keeping Families Together Act (HB 1227).
This one-page informational flyer provides a high-level overview of the most consequential statutory changes within HB 1227 that will result in significant impacts to dependency court system process. We encourage court systems to use and distribute this resource in their preparation for implementation of this historic legislation this summer.
Housing Assistance Infographic
Housing instability is a leading factor that contributes to families becoming involved with the child welfare system. In fact, 30% of out-of-home placements of children arise or last longer than necessary because the family lacks adequate housing. This infographic summarizes some of the unique aspects of housing instability that exist in the child dependency system.
FTC Legislative Advocacy
The Administrative Office of the Courts needs your help to sustain the important work of the Statewide Family Treatment Court Team. We developed the following materials to help organizations engage with policymakers during the 2023-2025 Legislative Session.
Educational Stability Infographic
Students in foster care face significant educational challenges and have worse outcomes than peers on every academic measure, including achievement, attendance, and graduation. This infographic provides a brief overview of dependency law in WA and the resources available to support dependency court judicial officers.
NEW TOOL: HB 1227 Court Readiness Toolkit
The HB 1227 Court Readiness Toolkit contains a suite of tools and resources to help court systems prepare for HB 1227 implementation. These tools provide a systematic way for local court jurisdictions to assess their current shelter care process, identify changes needed to comply with the new law and implement them.
Welcome to the Bench Infographic
FYJP welcomes all new and returning dependency court judicial officers to a new year on the bench! This infographic provides a brief overview of dependency law in WA and the resources available to support dependency court judicial officers.