The Administrative Office of the Courts needs your help to sustain the important work of the Statewide Family Treatment Court Team. We developed the following materials to help organizations engage with policymakers during the 2023-2025 Legislative Session.
Educational Stability Infographic
Students in foster care face significant educational challenges and have worse outcomes than peers on every academic measure, including achievement, attendance, and graduation. This infographic provides a brief overview of dependency law in WA and the resources available to support dependency court judicial officers.
NEW TOOL: HB 1227 Court Readiness Toolkit
The HB 1227 Court Readiness Toolkit contains a suite of tools and resources to help court systems prepare for HB 1227 implementation. These tools provide a systematic way for local court jurisdictions to assess their current shelter care process, identify changes needed to comply with the new law and implement them.
Welcome to the Bench Infographic
FYJP welcomes all new and returning dependency court judicial officers to a new year on the bench! This infographic provides a brief overview of dependency law in WA and the resources available to support dependency court judicial officers.
NEW TOOL: iDecide
iDecide is a web-based application created to support dependency court systems in HB 1227 implementation. Users have access to interactive decision-making tools, along with helpful cross-system guidance and trainings.
2023 Judicial Community of Practice (JCoP)
JCoP is a monthly, virtual peer-learning opportunity for dependency court judicial officers. The topic-focused sessions are led one of our expert Jurists-in-Residence and include a Dependency Practice Tip. Whether you’re new to the bench or have years of experience hearing child welfare cases, we invite you to join this learning community.
Recent WA Supreme Court Case Law Decisions Infographic
In recent years, the WA Supreme Court has handed down a number of decisions that have added additional clarification and guidance to the practice of reasonable and active efforts. This infographic focuses on these significant decisions and how they impact practice in dependency court communities.
Washington State Safety Summit Project Summary Report
This report provides an overview of the Safety Summit project and includes the much-anticipated, full follow-up hearing quality study conducted by Dr. Summers. The follow-up study and much more can also be found on our website in the Safety Framework section.
Permanency Considerations for Legal Professionals in Washington
This virtual training by the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption will introduce its evidence-based, child-focused recruitment model while also reviewing common legal issues that can present barriers to pursuing permanency for youth in foster care. FYJP was pleased to partner in the planning of this training
Domestic Violence in Dependency Cases Infographic
The co-occurrence of domestic violence and family involvement in the child dependency system can take many different forms. This infographic contains information on how dependency courts can effectively address domestic violence within child dependency cases.