How Hope and Resilience Can Lower Burnout Among Child Welfare Workers
The Science of Hope as a Framework for Action
Child Safety and Harm of Removal Webinar
Learn about the short-term and long-term harms that children experience when they are removed from the home and the balance of those harms against child safety in removal decisions.
Prenatal and Postpartum Substance Use Disorder Infographic
This infographic provides information on the complex needs of women who are pregnant or post-partum and have a Substance Use Disorder (SUD), along with resources that support dependency court systems in improving outcomes for these families.
Engagement in Hearings Infographic
This infographic provides a brief overview of the challenges and benefits to hearing engagement across different modalities (i.e., in-person; virtual) and some of the resources created to support court systems in continuing virtual/hybrid operations.
Educational Stability Infographic
Students in foster care face significant educational challenges and have worse outcomes than peers on every academic measure, including achievement, attendance, and graduation. This infographic provides a brief overview of dependency law in WA and the resources available to support dependency court judicial officers.
Just Data January 2023 Materials
For those of you who need a more visual enticement to get excited about Just Data January, please watch this campy welcome video – we can’t wait to see you! Welcome To Just Data January! Week 1: FTC BP 8, Provision A, Maintain Data Electronically In January 2023 our focus will be on Best Practice 8, Monitoring and Evaluation. “Provision A,” of Best Practice 8 is simple: effective courts collect data electronically. And luckily, if your court has started using
Welcome to the Bench Infographic
FYJP welcomes all new and returning dependency court judicial officers to a new year on the bench! This infographic provides a brief overview of dependency law in WA and the resources available to support dependency court judicial officers.
Recent WA Supreme Court Case Law Decisions Infographic
In recent years, the WA Supreme Court has handed down a number of decisions that have added additional clarification and guidance to the practice of reasonable and active efforts. This infographic focuses on these significant decisions and how they impact practice in dependency court communities.