State Statutory Framework

Carissa Greenberg[1] 2022[i] Introduction There are many Washington statutes that affect children involved in the child welfare system both directly and indirectly. These statutes include titles on mental health, state Medicaid, services for persons with developmental disabilities, education, and juvenile dependency and termination of parental rights. Select statutes are discussed below. RCW Title 13 Title 13 of the Revised Code of Washington contains laws affecting juveniles and juvenile courts. The chapters which most often affect children involved in the child

The Influence of Federal Law on State Child Welfare Proceedings

Carissa Greenberg[1] 2022[i] Introduction The federal government’s entry into the child welfare field is relatively recent. It has only been during the past approximately 50 years that Congress has addressed child welfare issues (although it provided assistance to children living in poverty before then). Since the mid-1970s, through a number of federal funding statutes, Congress has shaped the public policy of the child welfare system and has established the parameters of juvenile dependency and termination of parental rights law in

Shelter Care

Marci Comeau[1] 2023[i] Filing a Dependency Petition Any person[2] can file a petition with the clerk of the superior court showing that a dependent child is “within the county” or resides in the county.[3] Counties are not permitted to charge a fee for filing such petitions.[4] A petition may be amended at any time. The court shall grant additional time if necessary to ensure a full and fair hearing on any new allegations in an amended petition.[5] Jurisdiction and Venue A

Just Data January 2023 Materials

For those of you who need a more visual enticement to get excited about Just Data January, please watch this campy welcome video – we can’t wait to see you! Welcome To Just Data January! Week 1: FTC BP 8, Provision A, Maintain Data Electronically In January 2023 our focus will be on Best Practice 8, Monitoring and Evaluation. “Provision A,” of Best Practice 8 is simple: effective courts collect data electronically.  And luckily, if your court has started using

Urine Testing Resources

Urine Testing in Specialty Dependency Courts Urine Testing, Levels, and Interpretation has come up frequently in community of practice discussions. Thanks to our amazing partners at Child and Family Futures (CFF), we’ve put together some resources on these topics that may help. CFF and OJJDP shared a slide deck from a recent presentation on this topic that will provide some guidance and includes many of the resources below.  We will continue to be in touch about any additional materials as

Module 2: Safety Framework

Module 2: Safety Framework

This module provides an overview of the safety framework contained in the American Bar Association’s publication, Child Safety: A Guide for Judges and Attorneys. The safety framework helps courts and dependency systems addresses the fundamentals of assessing safety, safety planning, conditions for return, family time plans and case planning in child welfare cases. Estimated Length: 60 minutes


Lianne Malloy[1] and June Tomioka[2] 2022[i] Overview of the Uniform Parentage Act (UPA) This chapter is intended to assist the reader to understand parentage establishment under the Uniform Parentage Act (UPA), which is codified at RCW 26.26A and RCW 26.26B. The Legislature revised the Act during the 2018 session, and those changes became effective January 1, 2019. RCW 26.26A.903.[3] The 2019 amendments are effective July 28, 2019, except for the section requiring use of the mandatory forms, which was not