RECORDED WEBINAR – Child welfare attorneys are regularly exposed to and interacting with trauma. This webinar, from the ABA, covers how to identify and address trauma exposure responses, including practical steps legal organizations and attorneys can take to mitigate the impact of trauma, so that attorneys are able to provide high-quality legal representation and be the best advocates for their clients.
Building Partnerships Between Parents and Caregivers – ABA Webinar
RECORDED WEBINAR Birth Parent National Network leaders and lawyers who work as part of interdisciplinary legal representation teams share new Birth and Foster Parent Partnership Tools, the importance of parents and caregivers working together to achieve positive outcomes for children, and how the legal team can support the relationships between parents and caregivers.
Building Family Partnerships Town Hall – December 9, 2020
UPCOMING EVENT The Washington State Building Family Partnerships planning group and the Casey Family Foundation are hosting statewide virtual town hall discussions on December 9, 2020. The event will include a discussion about the benefits that children experience when parents and caregivers work together, as well as ideas for how these adults can be supported to build relationships.
Making Reasonable Efforts Findings in a Pandemic – NCJFCJ Webinar
WEBINAR The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) hosted a webinar on Making Reasonable Efforts Findings in a Pandemic. Taught by NCJFCJ Past President Judge R. Michael Key, the webinar and related materials help juvenile and family court participants understand the importance of examining reasonable efforts during the current COVID-19 pandemic.
Engaging and Empowering Parents – the Parents for Parents Program
WEBINAR Parents for Parents and the Court Improvement Training Academy hosted a webinar on engaging and empowering parents in the dependency court system. Recorded on October 30, 2020.
Indigenous Children, Youth and Family Conference Sessions
CONFERENCE SESSIONS In August 2020, the Alliance for Child Welfare Excellence and DCYF’s Office of Tribal Relations co-hosted the Indigenous Children, Youth and Families Conference to learn and share ideas around Indigenous family wellness. CITA was happy to partner with this effort and provide support for the legal sessions addressing the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) and its application in Washington State.
Virtual and In-Person Family Time – Lessons from COVID-19
WEBINAR SERIES – CITA-sponsored webinars with international child welfare visitation expert, Rose Wentz, and Washington State practioners. Designed to support family connections during the COVID-19 public health emergency, these videos and related materials address:
– developmentally appropriate use of technology for visits
– how to engage caregivers as a support for effective virtual family time
– ways to help parents and children get the most out of online visits
– guidance for returning to in-person visits
Recorded April – June 2020
Back to School Advocacy for Youth in Care – COVID-19 Edition
WEBINAR – Watch a CITA-hosted webinar that covers the law, resources and tips to ensure that children in care start the 2020 school year ready and supported to learn. COVID-19 resources and advocacy strategies are specifically addressed. A helpful handout and other resources are provided. Recorded 8/26/20.
Qualified Residential Treatment Program (QRTP) Basics
WEBINAR – “Covering the Basics of QRTP in Dependency Court” is a 35 minute webinar created to help courts understand the QRTP law, DCYF’s process for assessing and treating youth, and the new court forms and procedures. Resource documents are provided.