Tools for Making Change
Safety Assessment Worksheet
This fillable worksheet was created as a tool to help guide courts and dependency system partners along the steps of the safety framework decision-making process.
Blue Triangle Imagery
The “Blue Triangle” depicts the three primary elements of safety assessment (threats, vulnerability, protective capacity). This imagery has been used across the state to create tools such as mousepads, stickers, and posters.
Walk-Away Form Template
These short, simple information forms provide a way to clearly articulate important hearing information and expectations directly to parents.
Questions from the Bench
Developed by Kitsap County as a part of their Safety Summit Project, these four questions are designed to help increase conversations in the courtroom in ways that support the reunification process for families.
Innovations Showcase
Check out the innovative tools and resources developed by Safety Summit Project sites to enhance safety practice in local court communities.
Dependency Dashboard
Web-based ‘interactive’ tool that allows courts to track their own progress in meeting the performance measures around the most pressing problems facing those involved in or working in the child dependency system.
Measuring Change
As part of our cross-system child safety training initiative with DCYF, Dr. Alicia Summers and the national Capacity Building Center for Courts conducted the 2021 Washington Baseline Safety Hearing Quality Report in seven court communities across the state. The findings from this evaluation are being used to identify opportunities for increasing shared understanding of safety and encouraging improvements in practice, along with providing baseline data to measure changes in process and outcomes associated with the Safety Summits.
Four sites that held Safety Summits in 2021 were evaluated 3-5 months post-training to compare practice to the baseline hearing quality assessment. This hearing quality evaluation report by Dr. Alicia Summers from the Capacity Building Center for Courts presents the methods and findings from that pre-post safety framework training evaluation in the 2022 Washington Safety Decision-Making Hearing Quality Evaluation Report.