FYJP’s court improvement work is data informed, sensitive to local culture and needs, and mindful of the multi-system nature of dependency court practice. Dependency court communities interested in using data to assess the effectiveness of system processes and outcomes can request FYJP’s support.  We will work with you to identify and assemble data for analysis and help interpret results. We can also assist with interpreting research studies and identifying implications for improving practice.

FYJP partners with the Washington State Center for Court Research (WSCCR) to help local dependency courts use court and DCYF data as a tool for court improvement. WSCC provides the support to local courts around Washington for data and research needs.  They support two avenues for sharing Dependency Court data in Washington: Washington State Dependency Timeliness Dashboard and the Interactive Dependency Timeliness Reports (IDTR).

Available to all public users.

Check out our interactive Dependency Dashboard updated on a monthly and quarterly basis!

The dashboard provides the public data in five main areas:

  1. Current year dependency timeliness measures updated on a monthly/quarterly basis.
  2. Measures and filings for prior years.
  3. Prior year filings and filing rates, and current year dependency measures.
  4. Race/Ethnicity data for prior years’ filings and measures by race/ethnicity, and filing rates by demographics for prior years.
  5. Permanency Outcomes by demographics, point-in-time median length of stay, and placement discharge type.

Available to court users with Inside Court Access only

The Interactive Dependency Timeliness Reporting System (iDTR) is a web-based application, housed securely on an internal server at the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC), which addresses the need for frequent and robust feedback to the field.  The tool allows users to view data for the state, their own county, or any other county.  Users specify data filter criteria and level of detail, allowing them to view data all along the spectrum from broad state-to-county or county-to-county comparisons, to case-specific information.  It provides data that counties can use to manage, assess, and improve their court systems on a local level.  Using data from iDTR and DCYF’s Famlink database, local jurisdictions identify issues where they can undertake measurable change efforts through targeted training and implementation. The iDTR allows FYJP, AOC, DCYF and local courts to operate from a common data source when making strategic decisions.

Link to Inside Courts: Extranet HomePage (wa.gov)

Training Modules

Designed for FJCIP Coordinators, these interactive online court modules are designed to increase data capacity in dependency courts.

Odyssey Training for

Created by the Court Education Department at AOC, this short video clip demonstrates effective use of case management and data collection systems in Odyssey.

Access to Inside Courts is required

Dash Demo

Use the Dependency Dashboard (“Dash”) accessible to all individuals to review the dependency system data.

Data Mapping Tool

This tool provides the user a guide through the court data available for the dependency timeliness measures in Washington State.


State funded program that supports local efforts to reform and enhance court systems that manage family and juvenile cases.

Case Flow Example

The example of case flow mapping for dependency courts was created to support local courts in individualizing their court process.

Customizable Templates

Download customizable templates for reporting and displaying dependency court data.

Resources for Data Entry

These resources are designed to support and improve entry of dependency court data.

Pattern Forms

The standard court forms and format rules created for mandatory use by parties in dependency matters in WA.

Collaborative Courts Data & Research Resources

Data training and resources designed for use by Collaborative Court programs.

Family Treatment Courts Data Resources

Resources designed to support data collection, evaluation and reporting within Family Treatment Courts.

Early Childhood Courts Data Resources

Resources designed to support data collection, evaluation and reporting within Early Childhood Courts.

Shelter Care Court Observation Tool

Tool created to evaluate judicial and court practice in observations of Shelter Care Hearings.