Judicial Community of Practice


A monthly peer learning forum exclusively designed for judicial officers who preside over child dependency cases. JCoP offers a unique opportunity to hear from leading experts on legal trends, best practices, and innovative approaches to handling dependency matters, along with sharing insights and experiences with fellow judicial officers. Sessions are facilitated by Jurists-in-Residence, retired judges with extensive experience in child dependency cases. Sessions are not recorded WHEN: Third Wednesday of the month TIME: 12:15-1:15pm (room opens at 12:00pm) PLATFORM: ZOOM


Judicial Community of Practice


A monthly peer learning forum exclusively designed for judicial officers who preside over child dependency cases. JCoP offers a unique opportunity to hear from leading experts on legal trends, best practices, and innovative approaches to handling dependency matters, along with sharing insights and experiences with fellow judicial officers. Sessions are facilitated by Jurists-in-Residence, retired judges with extensive experience in child dependency cases. Sessions are not recorded WHEN: Third Wednesday of the month TIME: 12:15-1:15pm (room opens at 12:00pm) PLATFORM: ZOOM
