SAMHSA GAINS: Harm Reduction Practices in Treatment Court: What Fits and What Doesn’t

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Harm reduction is broadly defined as a set of strategies to promote public health by reducing negative consequences associated with drug use for individuals, their families, and the community. It aims to reduce risks and improve quality of life for people who use drugs. Few would argue with these general definitions, but the implementation of harm reduction measures is often contested. What harm reduction looks like for people with justice involvement who are classified as high risk or high need

Incorporating the Family into Treatment and Recovery, Part 5: Celebrating Families!™ – Nurturing Family Resiliency and Healing

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Free webinar hosted by NAADAC Celebrating Families!™ (CF!) is a multi-family, trauma-sensitive, strength-based program. CF! was developed specifically for families dealing with or at high risk for substance use disorders, multi-generational trauma, physical and mental health challenges, cognitive deficits due to trauma, genetics, OR in-utero exposure, and safety regarding child abuse, neglect, and family violence. CF! addresses these needs through building healthy living skills and educational peer support. It serves the whole family, including children zero to 18 years old,