I wanted to say, thank you for hosting this training. As an adult with lived experience of being removed from my home when I was a kid, I’m grateful this topic is getting attention in the justice system. The little kid in me feels seen and hopeful that change is happening for other kids in similar situations.
The harm of removal tools shared during your presentation provide a lot of critical insights around areas where we are seeking to engage some of the courts through supporting change initiatives…best of the conference!
Everyone raved about the presentation!
I was happy to see this message of reunification under the right circumstances in this training, even though it is not the primary focus. I am on the receiving end of the traumatized children and our focus is on reunification and helping them to become contributing adults. I am glad to hear that some change is being fought for in a better way to help these families remain families. Thank you for your training today. I look forward to reading some of the books that Jacob suggested. I will look for more continuing education on this topic. I think it has been very powerful.
I also wanted to say how I truly appreciated your passion for this issue in child welfare. It clearly showed, as did your compassion for families who experience removal. I loved this workshop, and learned some new information that I will use both to keep up my awareness of the trauma that families go through as well as when I teach/consult. This issue should be at the forefront of our thinking as child welfare workers. Thank you! Thank you! I would have gladly spent a full day on this topic!
I just wanted to tell you that Fridays presentation was amazing. You do so well as a presenter, and the information is so necessary to hear. You put it out to folks in a way that everyone can be receptive to. Again, thanks for a webinar so well done!
The complex trauma imposed by this system does a number on those of us directly affected AND I strongly believe in the harm reduction we’re working towards together! It’s a glimmer of hope ❤
Thanks to you and the team for an impactful training. Wow, I’m going to take some time to reflect and set-up a game plan to apply.
Thank you for doing this difficult work and making these issues more visible; it is against our social training to address the problems and not simply celebrate the successes.
Thank you for the amazing presentation a few days ago on the harm of removal. It was so powerful and informative. I was crying at my desk.
Word of the work being done by Family & Youth Justice Programs on this issue [harm of removal] has reached Iowa, with the harm of removal concept map having been circulated amongst many professionals in the area.