The Innovative Dependency Court Collaborative (IDCC) was established in 2019 to encourage, generate, and support innovation with interested dependency court stakeholders and communities to empower and achieve justice for families. The IDCC aligns its work with the federal Children’s Bureau’s new vision and strategies for strengthening families. This new committee comprises a broad array of stakeholders, including early intervention/prevention services, and meets the CIP requirements for a statewide multidisciplinary task force.

Co-chaired by DCYF and AOC , the IDCC consists of representatives from the judiciary, Tribes, parent allies, youth, caregivers, parent representation, child representation, Attorney General’s Office, CASA/GAL, Juvenile Court Administrators, Casey Family Programs, and Partners for Our Children.

The IDCC envisions a future where child welfare system innovation and improvement in Washington State is enabled by leadership through:

  • Permission for local actors to experiment
  • Support for that experimentation
  • Assessment of success and failure of innovation efforts, and
  • Communication and the spread of successful innovation throughout state practice, policy, and culture.
Innovative Dependency Court Collaborative