Judicial Community of Practice

The Judicial Community of Practice (JCoP) is a monthly, virtual peer-learning opportunity for judicial officers who hear child dependency cases.

Come learn about the best-practices being used in dependency courts and talk with your peers about what they are doing in their courts. Whether you’re new to the bench or have years of experience hearing child welfare cases, we invite you to participate in this exciting opportunity!

JCoP sessions are led by one of our expert Jurists-in-Residence, who are retired judicial officers with years of experience hearing child dependency cases. The sessions are topic-focused and include a Dependency Practice Tip that is sent out prior to each session. JCoP creates a confidential space for judicial officers to freely engage in discussion, ask questions, and receive support – which is why sessions are never recorded.

Click Below to Register

Registration for JCoP is limited to Judges and Court Commissioners.

2025 Schedule

January 15thWelcome to the BenchRetired Judge Anne Hirsch
Retired Judge Helen Halpert
February 19thHope in Dependency Cases
Guest Expert: Heather Cantamessa
PowerPoint Slides
Commissioner Michelle Ressa
March 19thIncarcerated Parents
Guest Experts: Anne Stone & Jim Chambers
Retired Judge Anne Hirsch
April 16thMedication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD)
Guest Experts: Jessica Blose & Lauren Kula
May 21stJudicial Ethics in Dependency (Academy Follow Up)TBA
June 18thTBATBA
August 20thMental Health Assessments & Psychological Evaluations
Guest Experts: Melissa Wood & Theresa Brooks
September 17thCaregiver Reporting
Guest Expert: Geene Delaplane
October 15thDomestic Violence in Dependency CasesRetired Judge Anne Hirsch
November 19thTBATBA

Previous Years

For more information about the Judicial Community of Practice, please contact Laura Vogel at laura.vogel@courts.wa.gov