Annual Judicial Academy
Every year FYJP hosts a multi-day conference for judicial officers hearing dependency cases.
FYJP publishes the Washington State Juvenile Non-Offender Benchbook (“Benchbook”) which outlines the state and federal statutory requirements for judicial officers hearing cases involving the welfare of children. The Benchbook contains topical sections as well as statutory and case law citations, including hyperlinks.
Dependency Practice Tips
Dependency Practice Tips are great summary to tools that focus on specific issues or topics relevant to dependency court practice. These practice tips come in multiple different forms such as articles, videos, and infographics.
Dependency 101 for Judicial Officers Course
The Dependency 101 for Judicial Officers Course is designed to facilitate the delivery of quality, interactive, on-demand virtual trainings that examine the information, practices, and skills judicial officers need to effectively preside over child abuse and neglect cases in Washington State. The modules in this course examine the essential principles of dependency court systems and judicial decision-making that ensure safety, due process, timeliness, permanency, and well-being for children and families.
Dependency Rotation Judicial Support Guide
The Dependency Rotation Judicial Support Guide is designed to support judicial officers rotating onto the dependency bench. Recognizing the complexities and high stakes involved in dependency court, this resource provides essential tools, resources, and training to help judicial officers navigate this critical area of the law. Whether you are new to dependency court or seeking to deepen your expertise, this resource will serve as an invaluable tool throughout your rotation.
Early Childhood Courts Training for Judicial Officers
The Washington State Legislature passed SB 5331 in 2021, establishing the Early Childhood Court (ECC) program. Included in the legislation is a requirement that judicial officers who preside over ECC hearings participate in an introductory eight-hour training program. This page contains courses from a variety of sources that focus on aspects of dependency cases involving children under the age of 3.
Harm of Removal Map
This ever-evolving concept map depicts the numerous ways that children might be negatively impacted by the experience of family separation by child welfare.
This interactive, web-based application designed to support successful implementation of the new statutory requirements that resulted from the Keeping Families Together Act (HB 1227).
Judicial Community of Practice (JCoP)
This peer learning opportunity for judicial officers provides a safe space for judicial officers to learn about the best-practices being used in dependency courts and discuss the challenges and opportunities they are experiencing in their own courts. JCoP sessions will be led by one of our expert Jurists-in-Residence, who are retired judicial officers with years of experience hearing child dependency cases. Whether a judicial officer is new to the bench or has years of experience hearing child welfare cases, we invite them to participate in this exciting new opportunity!
Jurist-in-Residence Program
The Jurist in Residence (JIR) program supports high quality judicial practice by making experienced retired dependency court judges available to mentor and train dependency judicial officers across the state. The ultimate goal of this work is to enhance statewide judicial leadership practices in child welfare court systems.
Judicial Wellness
See this collection of resources, tools and support for judicial officers to maintain their health and wellness while serving on the bench.
Legal Standards Comparison Chart
Cross-systems guide created to help court differentiate between which legal standards apply in decision-making during Shelter Care vs. Post-Fact Finding. See iDecide for interactive version of the chart.
Legislative & Case Law Updates
View new and upcoming pieces of state legislation impacting child welfare and recent WA Supreme Court decisions pertaining to child dependency cases.
WA Guide on Reasonable & Active Efforts
Cross-systems guide created to support meaningful judicial officer and attorney engagement in reasonable and active efforts inquiries.