Review hearings in child dependency cases are essential for monitoring the progress of the case and ensuring the child’s needs are being met while the family works toward achieving the court-ordered goals. These hearings allow the court to assess the efforts of all parties, including compliance with the case plan, the effectiveness of services provided, and the child’s current placement. This module provides an overview of the law and process for Review Hearings in Washington State.  By the end of this module, participants will have gained a basic understanding of the Review Hearing process and will be better equipped to conduct effective and legally sound Review Hearings.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Learn the purpose and procedures of Review Hearings.
  2. Gain insight into the statutory and regulatory foundations governing Review Hearings.
  3. Understand the decisions, inquiries, and findings made at Review Hearing and the legal standards that apply in decision making.

Approximate Length: 60 minutes

Module 6: Review Hearings (Coming Soon)