Family Treatment Courts

Family Treatment Court is a therapeutic dependency court program modeled after drug courts and veterans courts, where teams of specialists address underlying issues. Our tribal communities have developed a similar model, the Family Healing to Wellness Courts, based on a collaborative community model. These programs aid parents in regaining control of their lives and promote healthier families. Judges, attorneys, child welfare, social service, tribal members and treatment professionals collaborate to assess core problems; to provide assistance such as mental health and substance use disorder treatment, access to job training and job search guidance, housing assistance, parental skills training, and to provide oversight and accountability to ensure parents are taking required steps. The goal is providing safe, nurturing, and permanent homes for children while providing parents the necessary support to achieve long-term, stable recovery from substance use disorders.

Two parents (appear male and female) holding the hand of a one year old child as they walk toward a government building

Current Sites

Washington State Currently has 20 Family Treatment Courts that operate under this collaborative model. 

In early 2021 the Court Improvement Program of the Washington State Administrative Office of the Courts was awarded a $1.75 million dollar grant from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Protection. In this grant, AOC will work with partners from the Washington State Health Care Authority, the Department of Children, Youth, & Families, and Children and Family Futures to strengthen and expand Family Treatment Court Services in Washington.  Read a little more about this grant on the court website


Major Accomplishments

March and April 2021Hiring of Project Manager, Research Associate, Training Coordinator, and Administrative Assistant
July 2021Steering Committee Formation (meets monthly)
Sept 24th, 2021First Annual All Sites Meeting 
 Observation of all FTC Courts by AOC team complete
 All FTC Courts have completed NEFTC Assessments
October 2021Asynchronous Modules Available for FTC Best Practice 2: Role of the Judge
November 2021Establishment of Monthly Coordinator Community of Practice Conversations (proposed topics here)
December 2021 Asynchronous Module Available for FTC Best Practice 1: Organization and Structure
January 2022Creation of a Data Resources website, templates, and weekly data tips.
Creation of a Washington State FTC Newsletter (released quarterly)
Creation of a resource list for new FTC Team Members
February 2022Establishment of Quarterly Judicial Community of Practice
March 2022State FTC team had a retreat to re-evaluate project plans and accomplishments
May 2022Establishment of Monthly Peer Advocate and Lived Experts Community of Practice
June 29th, 2022FTC Rural Access Roundtable Discussion
July 2022FTC Steering Committee housing workgroup completed a DCYF/Housers MOU to establish a collaborative venture between DCYF and the state’s public housing authorities and other housing organizations that will provide housing vouchers and supportive services for DCYF clients’ use when housing is necessary and would work to prevent placement or facilitate imminent reunification.
August 2022Motivational Interviewing training for FTC team members with Lived Expertise      
September 2022Asynchronous Modules Available for FTC Best Practice 8: Monitoring and Evaluation
Sept 30th, 20222nd Annual Family Treatment Court All Sites Meeting
January, 2023Just Data January 2023
June 13th, 2023Ethics and Boundaries in Therapeutic Courts with Eric Strom
August 31, 2023Rural Round Table- Cross Jurisdictional Relationships
Oct. 18th, 20233rd Annual Washington Therapeutic Courts All-Sites Meeting
January, 2024Just Data January 2024
March 13th, 2024Spring 2024 Virtual Collaborative Courts All-Sites Meeting